“As long as you’re willing to put in the work, you can make a good deal of money with a Woodmaster. The quality is there and they’re well built. The warranties are good and I’m very satisfied.”

Among many other fine woodworking products, Tim Ziegler makes commemorative American Flag display boxes for the American Legion.
“I’m an advanced woodworker. I have a specialty shop — Ziegler Woodwork & Specialty — where I make pretty much anything and everything anyone could ask. I dabbled in woodworking for 20 years and have been in business for over 20.

One of Tim’s commemorative American Flag boxes – a fitting tribute to one who’s given service to his country.
I make a lot of triangular flag cases for a Legion, about 50 a year. I’ve made gun cases, display cabinets, arched window frames for our church, even complete kitchen cabinets.
Massive bearings & USA-made motors
I bought my first Woodmaster Molder/Planer/Sander/Saw back in 1991. Now I have two: I have the 718 set up as a planer and the 725 as a molder. Woodmasters are simple and well built and that’s important to me. Open one up and you see massive bearings supporting the head — that was a big selling point to me. They’ve got American-made motors and they aren’t afraid to put 5 or 7HP motors in them — the Woodmaster is NOT underpowered. It’s simple to align and is just a well made machine.
Payment plan made it easy
I first heard about Woodmaster in woodworking magazines. I dreamed, hoped, and wished for a long time. Woodmaster’s payment plan made it easy to acquire my first molder/planer.
(Editor’s note: Woodmaster offers financing terms on all our products. Our in-house financing program has helped many hundreds of men and women get started in profitable woodworking businesses of their own. If you have dreamed of owning your own business, and are willing to put your back into it, Woodmaster Credit could be your pathway to financial freedom. Please call for more information on financing — Toll Free 1-800-821-6651.)
SAVE BIG NOW on Woodmaster Molder/Planers – sale prices, online specials
SAVE BIG NOW on Woodmaster Drum Sanders – sale prices, online specials
Buy Chinese? You couldn’t pay him.
I like that Woodmaster is a US-made machine. I wouldn’t buy a Chinese machine if you paid me. Woodmaster is superior quality and the company works with you. It’s made in the US and if you need parts you can get them at a local hardware store. But my Woodmaster looks as good today as the day I got it. They’re so hardy you just don’t need to replace anything.

Here’s Tim’s molding production line. The hood’s off the Woodmaster Molder/Planer as he makes some fine adjustments.
Up to 1,000 cuts per inch
The quality of my work increased when I started using the Woodmaster. The number of cuts-per-inch is phenomenal. The standard in the industry is 14 cuts-per-inch and Woodmaster far exceeds that. (Editor’s note: Tim’s right – Woodmaster makes 0 – 1,000 cuts per inch!) Unless you get a nick in your knife, you don’t have to sand.
Adding a Woodmaster Drum Sander boosted production & income
I bought a Woodmaster Drum Sander so I’d be able to work on more than one piece at a time. I knew that machine was made exclusively to sand. The capacity is what I was after.
This machine helps me make money. First off, I’m not spending lots of time sanding by hand. You can change the sandpaper on the drums in no time so you can go from a medium paper to a fine finish in no time at all. There is very little hand sanding left to do once I run it through that sander.
He slashes sanding time by 50%
You could probably figure on an average project 50% of your time is spent on sanding. Now, with the flag boxes I make, I work on 6 or 8 of them at a time. I run them through the Woodmaster Drum Sander and someone’s out there to catch them. You run them through a few times and you are done. Other wise you are working on one at a time and using the sanding pad and vibrating your arms to death.
2 Molder/Planers & 1 Drum Sander — 3 Woodmasters reduce setup time – key to making money

Tim owns 2 Woodmaster Molder/Planers AND a Woodmaster Drum Sander. He gives his Drum Sander a big “thumbs up” and says it saves him 50% on sanding time.
My two Woodmaster Molder/Planers and my Woodmaster Drum Sander work real well together. I wanted to reduce setup time. Your setup time is key to making more money. This way I have dedicated machines with very little setup time. If someone comes in and requests something I am able to do that with a minimal amount of set up time.
I bought the larger planer because I do buy all rough-cut lumber and I wanted to be able to plane panels for high-end furniture. I also want to be able to make bench tops. Of course once they are planed you are going to want to run them through the sander and there is nothing better than to run them through that drum sander knowing that you wont have to do any touch up work on it. It really helps me out and saves me a lot of time.
Woodmaster gives him an edge on the competition
There are very few guys in this area that have as much equipment as I do so that gives me an edge. I can offer practically anything out of my shop and there aren’t too many people around here that can do that. I can plane rough material, all the way up to 25” panels. I can run molding; I can make cabinets and doors. All at the quality that customers are looking for.
What do I think of Woodmaster? Nothing but good. The quality is there, the machines are well built, and the warranties are good. I’m very satisfied with Woodmaster.”
— Tim Ziegler, Foreston MN
SAVE BIG NOW on Woodmaster Molder/Planers – sale prices, online specials
SAVE BIG NOW on Woodmaster Drum Sanders – sale prices, online specials
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