“I’ve owned a Woodmaster Molder/Planer for ten or fifteen years. I got interested in woodworking when I was younger and it got in my blood. I’m retired now but I can’t give up woodworking. I recently built myself a 30 x 46 shop. Half of it is set up for woodworking.
I have a Woodmaster Molder/Planer and a Woodmaster Drum Sander. I got the planer first. Recently, I added their drum sander because I liked the planer so much.

Ed’s a D-I-Y guy
I’ve got a ‘can do’ attitude. Years ago, I built my own house. I didn’t hire anything done. I poured the concrete, did the framing, installed the trusses, wired it, plumbed it, and finished it. Now I’m working on remodeling our current home.
12,000 feet of cherry through my Woodmaster
My son is a cabinetmaker. Right now, he’s working on a multimillion-dollar home. I helped him with the trim work. We used the Woodmaster Molder/Planer to run 12,000 feet of cherry. We ripped all of it with the Woodmaster’s gang ripsaw feature. Then we bought all the molding knives we’d need – a whole box of cutters. We ran all the molding and used the sanding head. It took us all fall to run all the 6” base, crown molding, and more.

At the time I got the planer, I was looking for a dependable machine and Woodmaster got good reviews. I wanted something reliable. And I wanted it on wheels because I had a small shop at the time.
4 key woodworking machines in 9 square feet
I didn’t want separate machines taking up floor space. I liked that the Woodmaster can be set up four ways as needed: as a planer, molder, sander, and saw. It’s great that can do all 4 functions and changing over from one to another is no problem. I don’t think there are any other 4-in-1 machines out there. I’ve run it all these years and it still runs perfectly.

Infinitely variable feed rate — 0 to 16 feet per minute
I do like the infinitely variable feed rate. Both my Woodmaster machines have this feature. I can dial the feed rate anywhere from zero to 16 feet per minute. It’s great to have the option to choose your speed – sometimes very slow on hard or knotty woods and faster on soft woods. It works with an awesome DC motor so it’s trouble free. It’s DC drive with a direct current motor. I haven’t had one problem.
Main advantage
The advantage is I can dial down the feed rate on the go so it won’t chip out the wood. Knots is where it’s the variable feed rate is needed most. I can dial it down at any point then dial it back up again. This is one of Woodmaster’s main advantages.

I feel good about what I’ve done over the years
I was a Shop teacher in schools for 36 years. That’s where kids can learn to use their hands and their brains. I had a lot of students go into successful careers in building and construction. My son’s a cabinetmaker and these days I’m doing some woodworking with my grandson. I feel good about what I’ve done over the years!”
— Edward Hess, Woodmaster Molder/Planer Owner, MN
SAVE BIG NOW on Woodmaster Molder/Planers – sale prices, online specials
SAVE BIG NOW on Woodmaster Drum Sanders – sale prices, online specials
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