— You CAN take control of your income.
— This E-BOOK shows you EXACTLY how.
— Download it RIGHT NOW — for FREE — no cost & no obligation.
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Get this 24-page book FREE. It contains EVERYTHING you need to know about starting a highly profitable woodworking business.
Have you dreamed of owning your own woodworking business? Owning a Woodmaster can be your key to getting ahead in this world…and having more FUN doing it than you thought possible!
We’ve seen it again and again: when we put a Woodmaster Molder/Planer in the hands of a woodworker who truly wants a better life and is willing to work for it he improves his financial picture … if he’s serious and willing to put his back into it.
You can be your own boss in a profitable molding business of your own!
You can take charge of your earning power instead of letting some boss tell you he’s cutting your hours. Work part time, or work full time….work weekends, weekdays, or evenings…it’s all up to you! Chose your schedule, choose your earnings.
You can have something worth much more than money: Woodmaster woodworkers are some of the happiest in the world, proving to themselves and their families that, “Yes, I CAN do it myself!”
Normally $50, E-Book is yours FREE with no cost or obligation.
Because owning a Woodmaster has been such a business-and-lifestyle breakthrough for so many woodworkers, we want you to have this book immediately and at no charge. We’re waiving the normal $50 charge for this 24-page book. For a limited time, you can have it at no cost and with no obligation.
What’s more, you’ll have it INSTANTLY, moments after you fill in your email address and click!
Here’s just SOME of what you’ll learn:
• How to turn a $5 rough cut board into $75 worth of molding – That’s 1,500% value added.
• 9 ways you benefit from owning your own business – Writing off your Woodmaster as a business expense is just one!
• 5 advantages ONLY a custom molding business gives you – Up or down economy, molding’s ALWAYS in demand.
• How to set up the business side of your business – The simple way to keep accurate records.
• Success stories by Woodmaster owners who’ve started their own businesses — “I’m making a pretty penny in the molding business” – Ray Z.
• How to sell what you make — How to set prices, when to discount…when not to…more.
• Advertising success secrets — How to set up ads, business cards, work orders, more.
• How to make highest profits with top-dollar CURVED molding — Cash in making molding that’s simply unavailable elsewhere.
• How to set up a professional shop — Checklist of min/max tool requirements, efficient shop layout.
• How to achieve high production efficiency — 11 Tips to save time and avoid waste for max efficiency.

Woodmaster owner, Tom Bardwell, told us of his business startup success with the 4-machines-in-1 Woodmaster. “In today’s economy, there are even more reasons than usual to buy a Woodmaster,” he said. “It’s one of the few products that, by itself, can let you develop a viable manufacturing business in your garage. I just think there’s no better package out there for an entrepreneur to use to launch a business on a small scale. If you’re passionate enough to develop it into something that’s income producing, and keep with it, it’ll happen.”
The 4-in-1 Woodmaster is your own personal MOLDING FACTORY
From a business startup point of view, the Woodmaster Molder/Planer’s unique advantage is that it’s ONE machine that handles EVERY STEP of molding production. With not much more than a Woodmaster Molder/Planer, you can start and grow your own molding business, and make a very good living right out of your garage.
It’s literally 4 machines in 1. Set it up as a PLANER to surface rough cut lumber; a gang rip saw to cut multiple molding blanks; a drum sander for satin-smooth finishes; and of course as a HIGH CAPACITY molder to cut any molding pattern you want.
YES, YOU CAN have the FREEDOM of owning your own business

This free book is packed with hands-on tips and suggestions from woodworkers who’ve started successful businesses of their own
The biggest advantage you get from owning your own molding business is FREEDOM. For some, it means the freedom to supplement their income making molding a few hours in the evening and on weekends. Others throw themselves into it completely, making molding full time.
It’s all up to you. But any way you slice it, when you own your own molding business you get the freedom to choose your own hours, choose what you make, how you make it, how you sell it and to whom, how much you charge, and more.
This e-book contains everything you need to know to start and succeed in your own molding business. We offer it as a thank you to the American woodworkers who’ve made Woodmaster Tools a success…and as a helping hand to the MILLIONS more who’d like a bigger slice of the pie!
You can download it for free by entering your email address in either of the boxes in this blog and clicking the “Get Free E-Book” button. There’s no cost and no obligation. You may read it and decide a molding business is not for you. Or, this e-book may be the start of more financial security, more freedom, and a lot more enjoyment than you’ve had in a long, long time.
Please read this important note:
Running a business is NOT for everyone. It takes woodworking skill, certainly, but it also takes other skills – all of which are detailed in this e-book. Most importantly, it takes PERSONAL DRIVE to make a business a success.
We’re not saying making a living in custom molding is easy, or that money’s going to fall in your lap. But if you’re serious about improving your lot, we want to give you this e-book because it can give you a significant head start on success.
But the beauty of a Woodmaster-based business is that you can get into it on a shoestring, start slowly, and grow it as your success grows.
Special Savings offer, too
We have a special savings offer in effect right now. Please see our online offer or call us TOLL FREE 1-800-821-6651. Or email our Sales Department!
Please e-mail us your business success stories and photos. There are thousands of American woodworkers who have “had it” with working for others but simply don’t know where to turn for a solution….and don’t know if there even is a solution.
We will review and respond to every story submission. The best ones will be posted on this blog and reprinted in our Woodmaster literature.
Thank you from all of us at Woodmaster!
Enter your e-mail address to GET YOUR FREE E-Book:
I don’t have a web site yet, but I am interested in your product if I can make it work towards my retirement plans.
Hello, thanks in advance for the ebook.
But, aren’t there already a lot of cabinet shops and other milling companies out there trying to sell moldings and etc.? Will the book tell me how to separate myself from all of them?
David it will give you some ideas I think. After all the book’s free so you’ve got nothing to lose by having a look!
Great Jack let us know what else we can do to help!